Monster Google Traffic Strategy


Written on 5:51 PM by Unknown

Are you a Traffic Strategy Juggler?

When I say Traffic Strategy Juggler I mean do you rush around trying every traffic strategy which comes on the market from the latest PPC and Adsense ideas to SEO and joint venture suggestions?

In simple terms do you juggle your Traffic Strategies just like a juggler might juggle with china plates or rubber balls? Never juggling anything for very long and forever moving from one Traffic Strategy to the next Traffic Strategy?

You are not alone, internet marketers are forever dreaming up fanciful Traffic Strategies and selling them on their hype filled sales pages, so it's difficult not to get lost in the false promises and so called guarantees of instant, free and easy traffic!

Most people wanting to run an internet business do just the same, buying into the latest fad software, idea and program.

It's definitely not the way to run your internet business.

And if you follow my suggestions you will even generate more traffic by taking on just one Traffic Strategy…

If you have your own product(s) or sell other peoples product(s) as an affiliate you only need ONE Traffic Strategy…

Just take on one Traffic Strategy, do it properly, focus on that one Traffic Strategy and you WILL reap the rewards.

It's better to operate one tried, proven and tested Traffic Strategy than to jump from one Traffic Strategy to the next, never really getting anywhere, only to eventually give up!

If you have been trying every conceivable Traffic Strategy available its time to clear your desk… focus on the task in hand and get to grips with a Traffic Strategy which works.

If you want to learn from my mistakes and short cut your route to free website traffic you simply can't go wrong by partnering with the World's number one traffic creator… none other than the mighty Google!

I've had tremendous success creating my own Traffic Strategies using Google software.

Software applications make great Traffic Strategies as there are hundreds if not thousands of places who will list your software for free. They even make it free for the end user to download your software and start using it.

If you want to do the same simply follow these steps or skip to the end of this article where I have located a resource so that you can get all this done without all the headaches, months of work and having to pay out thousands in programming costs…

1) Find a suitable software application you think will help to bring traffic to your website(s). Try doing a search on Google for 'software applications' or search for something you think matches the market you are currently in
2) Research the market place for the number of users who are likely to be available to download your software
3) Make sure these users are easily accessible, there's no point developing something if you can't reach the end user
4) Research the number of locations who are likely to accept your software and list it for free download to their users
5) Locate a programmer who can undertake your bespoke programming requirements. In fact you should locate at least 3 so that you can compare abilities, skills and of course quotations. Remember that cheapest is not always the best.
6) Once you have your programmer in place and have given the go ahead you now need to create your website and register your domain. If you intend to sell your software you will need to recruit another programmer to develop and create your propriety systems to deliver your software. This may be a different programmer to the one who is developing your software as not all software programmers are good website programmers.
7) If you want fancy graphics you will also need an arty graphic designer

So there you have, this is what I have done to create my very own Traffic Strategy, it's taken me 6 years to get to where I am now but it's been well worth the wait.

If you don't have 6 years to develop your own Traffic Strategy you can short cut the time and cost by going to

After all juggling is for clowns and most definitely NOT for internet marketers…

Don't run your business like a clown.

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