Content Website Builder
Written on 3:23 AM by Unknown
Create a Money Making Content Website
in Two Easy Steps
Introducing a Set it once and Forget it! Technology to Make Money from Adsense™, Ebay®, Amazon™ and other Affiliate Programs on regular basis!
Content Website Builder™ is an easy to use software to build content Websites with hundreds of self-updating dynamic Webpages. With Content Website Builder, you can make any number of Websites with Keyword rich text, images and streaming video clips. Content of your Website will be updated regularly without any intervention.
Multiple ways to Make Money from your Content Websites
(These Trademarks are copyrighted by their respective owners)
Content Website Builder will bring 5 major content providers together: Ebay®, Google Adsense™, Amazon™, Youtube™ and Yahoo!® Answers. Your Adsense ID, Ebay Affiliate ID and Amazon Affiliate links will be automatically embedded in all pages of your content website. You will be able to add any other affiliate links including ClickBank™ to the system easily.
You Can Completely Eliminate The Hard Work Of Making Money Online Using Easy To Set-up Affiliate Websites.
Have you ever heard that "Content is King"? That's only half of it... "FRESH and UNIQUE Content with Streaming Video is EMPEROR” !!! Get Ready! The New Generation Of Content Web Sites Will Rule The Internet – And Are Secretly Being Used By Top Marketers Who Are Quietly Making Fortunes!
Features of Content Website Builder
Some of the Features of the Affiliate Website Creator System That Makes It Easy For Anyone To Have a Money-Making Affiliate Website, Even If You Have No Experience Whatsoever!
| Create websites with extremely targeted Text, Images and streaming video content. |
| Automatically adds money making Ebay®, Adsense™ and Amazon™ Affiliate links |
| You will be able to Add your own Unique Articles or PLR content to any page you choose. |
| Fully automated template driven system. You can modify all pages, by editing the template file. |
| Creates SEO friendly pages with keyword-rich Title, Description, Meta Tags and ALT Tags. |
| Create professional Websites: Each website includes an HTML Sitemap, Google Sitemap, Contact page, Terms of use and Privacy Policy pages. |
| Data Shuffling to overcome the Duplicate Content issues. |
| No installation is necessary. Just double-click on the icon to launch the program |
| No programming experience is needed. |
| You get Unlimited Access to the Password Protected Members' Area with Tutorials and FAQ page. |
| Online Version for Mac users. You need only a Browser to get started. |
| No Additional Charges For Upgrades – EVER! |
| You get 60 Days Money Back Guarantee. Absolutely No Risk On Your Part! |
How to Build a Website with Content Website Builder
You can create a website in 2 easy steps: Fill-up a simple form, Click on a button and your website will be Ready!
Anatomy of a Website created with Content Website Builder
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Screen-shot of Ebay Affiliate links in different currencies
Ebay US Items prices in US Dollars | Ebay UK Items prices in Sterling Pounds | Ebay Canada Items prices in Canadian Dollars | Ebay Australia Items prices in Australian Dollars |
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In the same way, you can choose Amazon US, Amazon UK and Amazon Canada with corresponding currencies.
Take Advantage Of The Huge Potential Of
Money Making Content Websites

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