AdWords Miracles


Written on 3:02 AM by Unknown

"You're about to learn the $300/day Adwords
Secrets that they don't want you to know about..."

Have you ever heard the saying that 10% of the guys make 90% of the money?

Well, I can tell you it's true.

In fact I know it's true because I used to be part of 90% that got no-where.

Join with me if you have ever...
Wished you could finally make $500 per day, as an affiliate marketer
Wasted hundreds on AdWords "expert" books and seminars that simply don't deliver
Felt that there is something that some webmasters know about AdWords that you don't
Wondered whether you are ever going to get anywhere with this whole "AdWords thing"...

Believe me, I know how you feel. I was once the same.

I'll never forget what it's like to be part of the majority of chumps trying to profit from AdWords, but not knowing what needs to be done. Split-testing, altering click prices, deleting campaigns, spending fruitless hours driving expensive traffic to my sites... but never getting anywhere.

All I normally ended up with was a break-even balance, despite the fact that I had a network of seven high-converting sites; AdWords was simply costing me way too much, so much that I considered pulling the plug entirely more than once. Those are some sad memories.

For me, though, that's all they are -- memories.

You see, it got to a point where I was sick of being one of the guys who knew he should be making easy money from my products and affiliate programs, but just couldn't get it working. I decided to take a stand. I bought dozens of books, and signed up to every "expert" seminar out there.

I spent hundreds of hours on article sites and forums, scouring for tips and tricks, and eventually I started to understand the whole AdWords picture.

With this understanding, came the realisation that if I was to succeed, I needed to uncover my own tricks and techniques - my own set of rules that no-one else knew about, and that I could use to consistently churn out profits. That was six months ago.

Now I can safely say the days of "$100 cheques" are a thing of the past. It took me months, but eventually it clicked, and I came up with a blueprint for profiting from AdWords - not the usual crap you hear, and not the usual techniques you read about. Remember, if you follow the crowd you will just end up with chump change.

"I think I owe it you to tell you where I am up to thanks to your Adwords Miracle guide... I have been online now for about four years, and I have dabbled in the odd business opportunity here and there - in fact I have tried affiliate marketing through Google Adwords before, and I have never gotten anywhere. Until now...

Last month, I purchased your Adwords Miracle guide, and using your Skimming methods I began promoting products as an affiliate... Fast forward 27 days, and I have generated close to $200 per day in earnings four days in a row, including $212 today - and I have only just got started.

I really want you to know how much I appreciate you making this information available to me. I have some other guides on affiliate marketing, and Adwords, but none cover the same ground as Adwords Miracle. I fully expect to be making $300 per day within a few weeks... thanks again."

Edward Clarke, East Riding, U.K..

"I used to feel like the only person in the world who wan't making money from Google Adwords. No matter what I did, my ads would get disabled, or made inactive, and I was always either breaking even or getting nowhere.... I came so close to giving up...

Now, I finally understand how people make money from Adwords. I was extremely impressed with the first version of Adwords Miracle - and I was able to setup a $150/week income stream using your methods... it might not sound like a lot to you, but it means a lot to me...

Now that you have updated the pack, I have never been as excited. The training videos are incredible and the new Advanced manual is worth the cost of the package alone... but the Affiliate product selection manual and video is what really stands out for me. It gave me so, so many ideas that I have never heard before,... great job with the update

P.S. My new goal is $500 per day by the end of the year - with your guidance, and for the first time in my life I think, no, I know it is possible."

Joel Francis , Atlantic City, USA


"..who says internet marketing isn't easy? The old me, that's who. I used to wonder when I would ever get anywhere with this online money making stuff... here's my story: on Thursday I purchased Adwords Miracle and set up two "income streams" using your skimming technique.

To my surprise, by Friday afternoon I had earned about £100 in commission from only £15 in Adwords spend. Elated, I saw you also have a free website offer. I was on a bit of a high, and I know a good thing when I see it, so I grabbed one of the remaining slots. Sure enough, within a few hours my AWM site was setup, and I got promoting (keying in both of the free vouchers - Adwords and Yahoo - $100 worth). This is still only Friday night remember.

By Saturday morning I had two more sales from my Adwords income streams (from Thursday), and three - count 'em! - sales from my free web site!

And here we are on Sunday. Another sale from the free website, and another sale from the skimming technique. I have no idea if this is going to continue, but all I know is that I have seen the world through your eyes and I am now truly committed to this. I believe making money online is possible, and that is what has really made me write this e-mail to say thank you, Chris...

Between your Adwords Miracle product, your free web site, and the vouchers, you have literally turned my life around in 72 hours. I am going to scrap B.C. and A.D. and start thinking of my life in pre-Adwords Miracle and post-Adwords Miracle! "

Michael Lambert, Winchester, Hants, U.K.

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