Google Hijack


Written on 3:17 AM by Unknown

What if you could hijack Google?

What if you could reach inside Google, make their techno-geniuses follow some simple instructions, and siphon off ridiculous piles of cash?

You can, and I know how. More on that in a minute. First...

There’s no doubt Google is a money making machine.

It’s one of the most profitable companies in the world. Have you seen their stock price over the last four years? Insane.

But most people who try to make money by advertising with Google crash and burn. It’s ugly. In fact, that’s one of the reasons Google makes so much. They let people who have no idea what they’re doing spend money on ads like drunken sailors on shore leave.

If you’re starting to feel mad at Google, stop. It’s not their fault.

You see, Google can be a powerful money making machine for YOU if you let Andrew and Steven help out.

I admit that it sounds too good to be true.

Simple step-by-step instructions.

Easy-to-implement strategies.

Picking Google’s pockets.

The online marketing world is drowning in hype. People promise the world and leave you holding a cheap globe you can get out of a vending machine. This isn’t like that.

Andrew and Steven are regular guys. There’s only one difference between them and you right now--they busted Google wide open and figured out how to make an absolute killing as affiliates.

I’m sure you’re sick and tired about reading how everybody and his brother “cracked the code” of this or that. It’s silly. If all of these people are cracking the code, it isn’t much of a code.

Andrew and Steven didn’t really crack any code, because there IS no Google code. There’s no secret button to press. In fact, that’s precisely the problem.

Making money the PPC advertising is HARD when you’re new. It can be hard when you’ve been at a while. What’s easy is losing money. That seems to be something anybody can do.

So Andrew and Steven created a tool that does the hard work for you, and lets you concentrate on running (and growing) your business. This tool

* Finds ravenously hungry markets for you (no more guessing about niches)

* Tells you the BEST products target

* Gives you ads that will grab eyeballs and compel clicks from people ready to buy

They call it Google Hijack and let me tell you, this is one of the most amazing tools I’ve ever seen.

Think of it this way, setting up and optimizing your own campaigns can take literally weeks. With Steven and Andrew’s tool it’ll take minutes, {!firstname_fix}.

Let that sink in. Which would you rather spend, weeks or minutes? I know which I’d choose, every time. This is what I and a bunch of other people have been waiting for.

If you’re new to PPC, this is going to light a rocket under your success. If you’re already succeeding with it, but you’re busting a hump to keep up with the work, it’s time to cut the chains.

Using Google isn’t enough anymore. You have to control it, and Andrew and Steven are giving you the steering wheel.

Here’s to hijacking Google,

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