Slow Computer Emergency Repair Kit.


Written on 6:27 PM by Unknown

Is your slow computer driving you nuts?
Speed up your computer
and prevent it from crashing,
with no technical knowledge what so ever.

PC boot times that drag, getting stuck at login, programs that crash, web pages that take forever to load up ... the list goes on. It gets so frustrating that you just want to kick your stupid slow machine and vow to never touch computers again! Especially if you've lost valuable data, not to mention wasted time.

I actually broke my computer monitor once. Yup, it was 2 AM and I had just lost an English essay I was writing for class. I had a buggy Windows 98 system that constantly crashed, and though I was saving every couple minutes, when I rebooted after it crashed, the document was completely gone. Forever. I shambled into class a couple hours later with no essay and a sore fist.

My next computer was a gleaming, brand new Windows XP machine. Guess what? After a year, it was slowing to a crawl, and began crashing. Gee, thanks Mr. Gates! By then I had started my own web design business, so my time was extremely valuable. I did this part-time after work. One productive hour a night turned into three frustrating wasted hours, and I found it took twice as long to load up my email than actually reading them! I had to always backup my work to CD, fearing that my system would crash at any moment. I constantly went to bed angry and frustrated, which is certainly NOT a good way to get a good night sleep.

What a nightmare!
I constantly checked online looking for solutions to my slow computer. Forums, newsboards, I tried figuring out why I always seemed to buy computers that sucked.
More hours were spent every night reading little bits of information and trying them out. Some worked, some made things worse. Here's what I found:

* Most websites that offer free information offer only specific advice - "try this, if it doesn't work, try this." My evenings quickly turned into a scavenger hunt, and sometimes the information screwed my computer up even more.

* Other websites say it's the registry. The problem is that it's not ONLY the registry. That's only one specific problem (see the point above). Even worse, I did try a registry cleaner once, and my computer would no longer start. THAT WAS SCARY, and I had to take it to a technican.

* Too much techno jargon - I've come across way too many sites where the support staff ask me to do stuff that makes me go "Huh?" Then I look stupid to them, and their responses are either chiding or abusive. I didn't need that, I just wanted my freakin' computer to work, and I needed it in easy steps!

Because I am a web designer, I have crossed paths with many computer experts. A old computer repair friend's story blew me away when he said that he charged $150 to tune up people's slow computers on site. And it only took him 17 minutes to fix each one!

Before moving to another city, I begged him to teach me his techniques, as I still had constant headaches with my own computer. He agreed, teaching me the step-by-step checklist he uses to fix people's computers. I couldn't believe how easy it was!
With his list, and another two years collecting all the tips and advice I found, I revised, refined and simplified my own techniques to keep my computer in optimum shape.

I have a notoriously bad memory (just ask my wife), so if some computer problem again happened down the road (which it did), all I had to do is go back to all the notes I collected. Viola, problem fixed!

Then one night I got a call from one of my clients complaining about his slow computer. Since I was his web designer, he figured I was the "computer guy" to call. I fished out my notes and took him step by step through the techniques that worked for me, in the exact order that from experience I knew worked best. The phone call lasted twenty minutes. And guess what?

He emailed me the next morning thanking me and offering to buy lunch. His computer was completely error-free and blazing fast, just like new!

Fix Your Slow Computer - Help and Solutions for Increased Computer Speed and Efficiency in 12 Minutes Flat

Unique Dreamweaver Web Design Tutorials


Written on 6:10 PM by Unknown

Have you ever felt like your web site design skills were lacking in someway?

Do you feel mystified when you see sites that look stunning and wonder just how they created those amazing roll-over buttons, colorful templates, all while having a nice rank in the major search engines?

Well, you don't have to be in awe anymore!

A new and unique website design training program called "Dreamweaver Exposed" promises to reveal how anyone can learn to make beautiful, highly search engine optimized websites in just hours.

So how exactly does it work?

Well, the product consists of a member's only training area with training videos, links to resources, and helpful scripts, templates, and graphics packs you can download.

The site is divided into 5 major areas and cover topics of Dreamweaver web design that are important for internet marketers.

Area 1: Shows people who are new to Dreamweaver all of the basics of getting aquainted with the software and setting up their site for building.

Review: This area was definitely thorough, and has links to tons of great resources to help the beginner get over the initial learning process. For people who need help with the basics of Dreamweaver, this section is going to be an absolute goldmine and save them hours of time.

On the downside, people who have already used Dreamweaver for months or years may find that they already know a few of these things, and might want to skip over it.

Area 2: Is about building content sites from scratch. This video is really amazing in that over the course of 1 hour, Jesse does a case study of a web site, and builds it into a nice looking, highly optimized web site with dozens of keyword-rich pages.

I really liked this area, because it covered all of the most important topics in creating a profitable web site. It includes how to use Dreamweaver template files, a keyword based navigation system, fancy CSS rollover buttons, and also the use of separate files for the major navigation elements of the site (which makes the site much easier to update in the future).

Also, I found answers to all my questions about HTML tables. Before I saw these tutorials, I used to get very frustrated when I would create a table in Dreamweaver, but when I uploaded it, it looked much different! However, once I got just 2 or 3 tips, I had an 'Aha' moment, and now I finally understand how to make any HTML tables and cells look exactly how I want them to, in all of the major browsers.

In addition, there were plenty of resources for things like testing your site in all the major web browsers, as well as links to places where you can copy and paste in code for CSS buttons.

Area 3: This is for direct-response marketers. Not everyone is a fan of direct-response style sales letters. However, internet copywriters will absolutely love the plethora of tools and techniques they are given in this area.

Jesse has included several thousand professional looking graphic elements to use in sales letters, and also provides instruction on how anyone can use Dreamweaver's built in CSS editor to mimic any style in any sales letter on the internet.

I really felt like this one area would be extremely helpful when creating a powerful direct-response style sales letter to market my products. I'm sure I will refer back to the videos and resources listed in the future.

Area 4: This is a set of resources and explanations that will be useful to all online marketers and web site designers.

Although this page is only a set of links along with notes, I consider it one of the most valuable parts of the site. The list includes amazing resources (many of which are free) that I doubt I would have ever found on my own...let alone have them all compiled together in one place!

Some examples of the resource topics are: Outsourcing, keyword research, web site publicity, backlinks, info product creation, web site monetization programs, CSS resources, email marketing tips, and even various browser plugins you can use to help in your everyday marketing activities. I felt this list was very valuable, and I was happy to see that Jesse is going to add more resources to it as he find them.

Area 5: Bonuses downloads. In this area of the site, members can download many megabytes of useful odds and ends.

Here is just a sampler of what is offered:

Premade sales letter CSS style sheets - Just attach one of these to your sales letter and follow the directions. Random content & Rotating content PHP scripts - Very useful for banner ads or adding quotes to a web site
Send mail PHP script - Allows Dreamweaver users to quickly create feedback forms and have form results sent to any email account.
Other web site graphics: Web page backgrounds, blank banners, and blank logos.

Overall presentation:

I liked how the course provided over 2 hours of video tutorials...They are really easy to follow, and I find it much, much easier to absorb the information than reading long textbooks. In addition, it was useful to have resources links right there underneath the videos so that I could immediately check out and make use of any resources mentioned.


This isn't the cheapest set of Dreamweaver Tutorials around, but at under 100 bucks for over 120 minutes of video tutorials (not to mention additional resources worth many times more that) I think it is definitely a very fair deal. For online marketers looking to get up to speed and over the learning curve, this course does deliver dramatic results as promised.

Check out the Dreamweaver Exposed site for more information.

dreamweaver tutorials

Blogging to make money


Written on 6:45 AM by Unknown

How much is traffic worth to your business? And reputation, how much is that worth? How about your search rankings? I'm just going to assume that money is pretty important to you.

Did you know that you can get all of that with a blog? I'm not talking about a spam blog, or a crappy AdSense site. Those things haven't earned more than nickels and dimes in years.

I'm talking about the real, long-term, respected blogs that are driving mounds of cash-in-hand, eager readers.

You probably think that there's no way that you could duplicate the success of those power blogs, right? But suppose you could. Suppose you could tap into the same resources that the pros use and suppose you could quickly take the exact same steps that made other blogs the HUGE successes they are.

Sound too good to be true? I assure you, it's not – provided you have the right knowledge.

Think about it. A blog is the easiest and most powerful way for you earn Google's respect, attract targeted customers, build a community, promote a product, and more.

But creating that blog the RIGHT WAY is the hard part.

It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that make some blogs work while others fall flat on their faces.

But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right system, you can now have it inside a new package called "Blogging in Action."

I've heard of the author before, and his advice has been the secret resource behind a number of successes over the past few years. And let me tell you, this package delivers. It's filled with the same advice that until recently was only available to those with very fat wallets.

Just listen to what one reader had to say:

"In the last three months I have read Blogging for Dummies and a couple other books on the subject and to be honest with you, all they did was give me a whopping headache; your BLOGGING IN ACTION BIBLE is possibly the DEFINITIVE BOOK ON THE SUBJECT!!!

You will forgive me for referring to your treatise as the B.I.A. Bible, for my intent is not meant to be irreverent, after all, the word bible means book and my intent is to show nothing but respect for a well thought out endeavor.

I believe the word TREATISE is an apt descriptive, for my buddy, Noah Webster tells us that a treatise is, "a formal written account treating a subject systematically and in detail." This is exactly what you have done.

Thanks for the labor of love, for it is obvious this is not some slipshod bit of info garbage."

Charles Towne
Apopka, FL

This package is a steal at the current price, but I've heard that it's going up very soon. Heck, even the freebie that is being offered is pretty solid!

Niche Site Builder


Written on 6:33 AM by Unknown

Niche marketing has become a phenomenon to the online marketers. In a recent statistic it is shown that a typical niche mini site may only earn you $60 per week. So to make the earning significant you need to make and run several sites together and the process should be accelerated as you see significant earning coming to your pocket.

Making sites and hosting is not a problem if you are a good designer or you have cheap web-designers or SEO content writer to work for you. But you should know the highly competitive arena you are swarming. So your sites should be highly advanced from all extent of latest web technology. Making a site considering all of the features of modern dynamic sites must take time and you have to pay even for the content writer to feed the search engines. Moreover you may need to make many such sites.

To meet up the necessity of such niche marketers a special type of product called “Niche Site Builder” has been developed with different features, packages and names. The tools are becoming very popular. NBE “ NicheSiteBuilder” is one of the leading tools among Niche site builders for its excellent features.

Generate unlimited money making websites in just few clicks of a mouse. “NicheBuilderElite” can create sites of any niche you might think of.

Display live auction on every page of the site directly from eBay using your eBay Partner Network. Make boatload of cash in autopilot by just displaying live auction from world's most popular website.

Allow you to maximize your Ad sense earnings on autopilot - Display Google ads each on every page of the site. The ads are strategically placed on areas with extremely high click through rate. You have the full control of the colors, sizes and other ads preferences via admin panel.

Displays Amazon products each on every page of the site. This is another great way to monetize your website with targeted products and provides contents too. You have the full control of the colors, sizes and other ads preferences via admin panel.

Add your favorite article contents using the built-in HTML editor. Creating dynamic contents on your own website is never been easy. Thanks to the built-in WYSIWYG and content management system of “NicheBuilderElite”, you can now add as many articles as you want even you have no clue with html.

Control the look and feel of your site in just few clicks .No cookie cutter websites will be produced. You can upload your favorite banner, change the background, and change the titles and many more. It is fully customizable via admin panel.

Create Meta tags/keywords, search engine optimized pages, site map, and site’s descriptions for fast search engine indexing.

Earn hundreds of dollars every month - Sell banner advertising space or place your favorite affiliate banners for added revenue streams.

Fresh Contents every hour, every day or every week, you decide - add your favorite RSS feeds and customized it via admin panel.

One of the most popular and effective way of site promotion tactics is social book marking. Bookmark your site's contents on your favorite social Networking sites like delicious, yahoo, squido and more withy NBE.

Build Your List with the built-in opt-in form and can explode your business in no time. Now, you can start collecting your visitor's email addresses and names and send them newsletters using “NicheBuilderElite's” built-in newsletter features via admin.

NBE has very easy to use Control Panel. Just login to your own easy to use and easy to understand control panel and do it with just few clicks.

You can create hundreds of no-maintenance niche portals that earn income on auto-pilot. imagine sitting by the pool nursing a chilled beer while making a full-figure monthly income from your portals, leaving you free to focus on building even more sources of income

So by getting NBE for one time you can go on with your Niche Marketing business and make unlimited websites life long.

Get Your Own Copy Here :

Click here to get My Niche Site Builder

Vista Speed Secrets


Written on 6:10 AM by Unknown

Discover what "Bloatware" is, and why it's doing its best to grind your PC down to a complete halt as we speak - and more importantly, how to destroy it!

Where to get all the software you'll ever need... for free:
Don't pay $40+ for each program. Not when I can just show you where to get all the powerful software you'll ever need for free.

How to determine what kind of PC user you are... and how to then optimize Windows Vista to best suit your performance needs.

Why you simply must remove UAC (also for your own sanity's sake!)... and how to do it in 2 easy steps.
Discover the truth about unnecessary programs running in the background of Windows Vista and how to turn them off - this actually cures one of the major drains on your PC's performance!

How to make sure you're not wasting all your precious processing power on "eye candy" and why a simple adjustment to the look of Vista will dramatically boost the speed of your PC.

How to disable a "sneaky performance-draining process" (running by default on Windows Vista) which is totally unnecessary for the average PC user.

Learn the absolute best way to stop your PC slowing down with a 7-step monthly maintenance routine (only takes a few minutes) to ensure Windows Vista is always running in tip-top condition.

A simple technique for cleansing your PC of unwanted nasties picked up from surfing the internet... without spending a single cent on software.

How to quickly and easily find out if your device drivers are out of date with the click of a button and where to find the latest up-to-date free downloads.

Discover what "prefetch" is, and how cleaning it out every few days will boost your PC's performance.

Get the real low-down on defragging your hard drive, why you should never use Vista's own defragger, and where to get a free one that does the job ten times better!

Do you have any errors on your Hard Disk slowing you down? Learn how to detect and repair them in no time at all.

Click Here To Find Out More.

Web Design Mastery


Written on 5:53 AM by Unknown

I have just discovered an amazing Web Design product that
just couldn't wait for the next edition of

Are you sick and tired of endlessly searching the Internet
for codes the professionals use for special effects?

Look No Further...

Web Design Mastery is quickly becoming the "Bible" for
anyone interested in designing a professional website...

If you're marketing a product or service on the Internet, a
professional looking website is an absolute essential part
of your success.

Although learning HTML is the first step, you'll find that
most HTML tutorials only provide you with very basic

You're then forced to spend countless hours trying to
achieve a certain design and locate special effect codes.

Until Now...

Web Design Mastery is a complete Internet Marketers
Reference Guide. Not only will you learn how to design a
professional website, but you'll also learn in the easiest
possible fashion -- with hundreds of copy & paste codes.

Inside, you'll discover...

Web Design Mastery - Main Volume

An Internet marketer's copy & paste reference guide. This
ebook provides you with a complete step by step guide to
designing a professional website.

WebMaster's Reference Charts

Five reference charts to assist you in designing your

Section 1: HTML Chart - Commonly used HTML codes, including
names, tags and examples.

Section 2: CSS Chart - CSS properties including background,
border, classification, font, margin, padding and text.

Section 3: Color Chart - 216 Safe color chart containing
each color, the hexadecimal values and the RGB (Red, Green,
Blue) Values.

Section 4: Symbols Chart - Special characters and symbols
that can be used within your HTML.

Section 5: Troubleshooting Chart - Common web development
problems including graphics, text, tables, HTML, forms,
JavaScript and CGI Scripts.

Advanced Web Design

Step by step tutorials that will take you through the entire
design process of a sample web page template:

Section 1: Web Page Template Design - A six part, step by
step guide to designing a web page template.

Section 2: Image Dicing / Manipulating - A step by step
tutorial that will assist you in dicing and manipulating

Section 3: Image Rollovers - A step by step tutorial to
assist you in creating image rollover effects.

Section 4: Advanced Tables / Codes - Several example tables
and codes that can be used to spice up your web page.

Section 5: Email Forms/Opt-In Lists - A tutorial to assist
you in developing an opt-in list, publication and form.


All of these ebooks contain example code ready to copy and
paste into your pages.

101 Design Tips and Tricks

To complete this package, you'll find a special 101
design tips and tricks section that includes special effect
HTML, DHTML, JavaScript code snippets and CSS codes ready to
copy and paste into your page.

Designing a great website has never been any easier...If
you're serious about designing a professional web site, give
Web Design Mastery a try. You'll be glad you did.

I highly this powerful resource.

Computer Home Business


Written on 5:47 AM by Unknown

It is estimated that up to 95% of all Windows computers online have data-mining, off-line advertising pop-ups, parasites, scumware, trojans, dialers, malware, browser hijackers, tracking components and viruses on them. The spyware and virus problems are getting worse insted of better. Locked-up computers are more common than ever! Over 225 million computers are infected!Are you ready to start a home based business? Are you willing to work hard to get what you want? Are you sick of the get rich quick scams? Well folks, this is the real deal. Make $150K per year removing viruses and spyware from customer computers. You don't need to be computer smart, just business smart. Almost zero start-up cost. Money back satisfaction guarantee.

Computer Home Business
Ground floor opportunity. Make up to $100 per hour cleaning spyware and viruses from computers. Huge demand with little competition. Almost no start-up cost. Potential to make $50,000 year part time, and $150,000 full time.

PappaPC computer home business

Content Cleaner


Written on 5:36 AM by Unknown

Content Cleaner is an online utility that will allow you to easily scan and clean objectionable content on your computer.

In general, most objectionable files are difficult to find and therefore almost impossible to delete. In addition,. Content Cleaner helps you free up valuable disk space on your hard drive thus improving the performance of your PC.

Content Cleaner lists all questionable files on you PC in three different categories ( History, Temporary Internet files, cookies and Documents. More below) Each file can be double-clicked for viewing. Objectionable files can than be first selected for deletion and then deleted by clicking on the delete button. Some files are already pre-selected for deletion because Content Cleaner determined they are objectionable.

History - Every time you visit a website, the Internet Address (URL) is stored on your hard drive.

Temporary Internet Files are also known as the Browser cache are files that are stored on your computer by your Internet browser in order to speed up the loading of websites that are frequently visited.

Cookies are small files places on your computer by websites to track when you first visited, buying habits and other personal information. The are a threat to your personal privacy and may be sold.

Documents are all files created by your email program, word processor program. They also include pictures and movies.

SiteBuilder Elite


Written on 5:21 AM by Unknown

Money doesn't come easy from the internet, despite what people have told you.
Yes, you do hear about incredible success stories, but they're rare events, just as they are in the "real" world...
Making money online is possible but it does require time, effort and consistency. And one of the worst things you can do, as I did starting out, was leapfrog from one get-rich-quick scheme to another (with nothing to show for it, of course!)
A combination of Adsense revenue and affiliate marketing worked for me when I built a few websites. But it's time consuming designing and building a site...not to mention the time it takes to write content for it.
There had to be an easier way, a way of automating website creation so that building dozens of sites wouldn't be like having your teeth pulled - an excruciating experience.
That's when SiteBuilder Elite was born...
All you need to do is give it a list of keywords, set some parameters, click a button and "Hey Presto", a multi 10, 100, or 1000 page dynamic, Adsense-monetized website pops into existence.
At this point you can do one of two things: move on and create your next website or spend a little time customising your new site; add header and footer graphics (you need to create these), add other revenue streams, add articles to beef up the site and change the behavior of the site in different ways.
The whole idea is to create multiple websites quickly and easily because Adsense is a numbers game. The more sites you own, the more Adsense revenue you'll get. And pretty soon, your new Virtual Real Estate Empire will be growing into something that gives you significant income.
Let's take a conservative example where each of your sites earns just $0.15 a day. Not much really, just $4.50 per month. 10 sites would get you $45 per month, 100 sites would earn $450.
Now suppose you got $0.50 per day per site. With 100 sites, you'd be earning $1500 per month. From Adsense alone.
You'd earn more, actually, because of the other revenue streams you can add to your sites - Amazon, Kontera, PeakClick, amongst others.
Ok, I hear you cry, what about domain and hosting fees, won't they eat into my profits? Yes, if you let them. Not much if you go about setting up such things in the right way...which will be explained in the SiteBuilder Elite Manual. This isn't a show-stopper!
Building just one website a day is within even the most time-strapped person's grasp. And that's where the time, effort and consistemcy I mentioned earlier comes in.
Time: not much required.
Effort: Building a keyword list and clicking a button or two (not strenuous!).
Consistency: The key to success. Fail at this and you'll fail at anything you try. So build a site a day or one a week. Just be consistent!
SiteBuilder Elite gives you the opportunity to build multiple dynamic, SEO Optimized, monetized, customizable websites, quickly, easily and painlessly. It's based on the sound principles of earning from Adsense and affiliate marketing. More than that, it gives you a roadmap to a more financially endowed future. That future awaits you...
This software really will save you time and energy building websites. After using it, you'll wonder why things used to be so difficult.

Check SiteBuilder Elite out immediately..

The Hacker's Nightmare


Written on 5:12 AM by Unknown

In Affiliate Marketing
A Personal Story Is Priceless
Not only am I not going to sell you anything, I want to give you something.
I'm a technologist, not a salesman, though I do of necessity strive to improve my marketing skills. Right now I have a story of discovery to relate from my own experiences and, if you adopt the core idea presented, I guarantee you will see a significant income boost.
This information has made a BIG difference to many of my own affiliates.
There is a perception among online marketers that people on "lists" (prospects, customers, subscribers, etc.) have a very narrowly defined range of interests. That is to say, if a marketer focuses on, for example, restaurant owners, the accepted wisdom is that he should never try to promote non-restaurant-related products to his list members.
There is some wisdom in that advice.
If you're not careful there is the risk that you come across as a Jack-of-all-trades, rather than as a knowledgeable and respected specialist in the core subject in which your list members are primarily interested.
But such a policy also has the tendency to...
(a) reduce your potential income as an affiliate marketer, and...
(b) fail to maximize your "perceived value" to your list members.
There are at least two weakness in the "specialize only" argument:
* No one — not you, nor I, nor anyone else — is only interested in one specific topic or endeavor.
* Every core topic has related branch topics.
Now I'm not suggesting for a moment that you should promote, say, a book on Bonsai to your list of restauranteurs. That really would be too much of a stretch, even if one or two might have such an interest. The topic in no way relates to restaurant management.
But for every specialist subject there are closely related topics that are certain to be of interest to all members of the specialist group.
For example, like it or not, the restauranteur is a businessperson, and so must have an interest in general small business topics. He or she will be interested in such things as advertising tips and techniques (newspaper, radio, Yellow Pages), staff training and incentives, customer loyalty schemes, copywriting and presentation (menus, place-mats, wall posters), and so on.
My point is... look hard enough at your target group and you will always find a wide range of associated areas of interest—areas which can improve both your own income and your value to your list members.
Obviously then, if you are not promoting related products and services to your list, you are not reaping all the income you could be and should be.
Perhaps even more importantly, you are not being "all you can be" to the people who rely on you for information and recommendations.
How I recently learned this lesson for myself
The light dawned for me when I noticed a pattern in the people most successfully marketing my book The Hacker's Nightmare.
You must understand that I wrote The Hacker's Nightmare™ to show ordinary, everyday, non-technical computer users how to protect themselves from the threats and vermin of cyberspace, because all other available resources were either incomplete, ineffective, too technical, too expensive or just plain waffle.
In the main, my own marketing efforts had been targeted at novice computer users, and the results have been gratifying. But I discovered that my most successful affiliates were taking a different approach, one which showed up my own as being somewhat shortsighted.
These successful affiliates recognized that they had a responsibility to be as indispensable to their list members as they could be, in every relevant way.
After reading The Hacker's Nightmare™ themselves they then had significant knowledge about safety and security that their list members did not have, and the smart ones saw an opportunity.
Recognizing that data and identity security is important to everyone, they saw it as their duty to help their lists to protect themselves, as well as to provide other specialist assistance related to their core expertise.
After all, if you are online, then your data/identity security is most definitely a pertinent issue.
So what I did—when I noticed this—was to run a little test, and the results are what compelled me to write this article.
I contacted four affiliate who had a few sales of The Hacker's Nightmare to their credit, and who had lists that in no way related directly to any computing, technical or security topic.
I asked those people to write a brief letter to their lists, in their own words, about the importance of being confident of their security online.
If they had a personal story about how they themselves had been saved by information in The Hacker's Nightmare™ I asked them to tell it in their own words. I didn't supply any pre-written template. It was very important for the test that they not use any boilerplate template provided by me.
I don't know about you, but I'm more than fed up
with getting the same tired old eMail plugs...
"Bill, I'll burst if I don't let you in on this amazing secret blah blah blah"
The exact same thing sent out by a dozen or more different "marketing gurus".
The lists of all four marketers were relatively small (about 2,700 the biggest) ... but the results were astonishing!
One of the four I approached told her poetry and short stories list (!!!) how I had helped her through a serious spyware crisis.
The immediate response was 126 book sales from a list total of only 627 people. That's a 20% response from about the most unlikely list you could think of. And the math will tell you that this retired lady picked up a very nice bundle in affiliate commissions in the space of only a couple of days, just for writing a personal anecdote that took her less than an hour to compose.
* She didn't have a monster list
* She didn't have a team of buddies hammering their own lists for her
* She wasn't a genius copywriter
* She wasn't a super-saleswoman
What she did was something that any one of us can do...
She just told a personal story to people who "knew" her and trusted her to be telling it like it is.
REWARD: Several thousand dollars for an hour's work!!!
So why did it work? How did she sell so many copies of a "technical" product to a decidedly un-technical list?
Regardless of what you might have assumed to be the case generally, PC and Internet security IS a topic that is occupying the minds of a very great number of people all the time, no matter what their core interests.
A Jupiter Media report revealed that 52% of online users indicated a strong interest in stories and articles about Internet security and privacy. Fifty-two Percent Of All The Millions Online Globally!!!
By comparison..
How many other "niche" markets do you know of that interest 52% of the entire Internet population?
Errr ... how about none?
Now, in contrast to the success story above, here's a "Lost Opportunity" story:...
I actually invited five of my affiliates to participate in the test, not just four. One declined to participate because her list was exclusively female and dealt with "women's topics". Why she thought none of her members would be interested in improving their security when she herself had bought The Hacker's Nightmare was never explained.
Anyway, this prompted me to do a little research on the Internet usage of women.
None of this will come as any surprise to the ladies reading this article, but it'll be an eye-opener to a lot of guys with preconceived notions of who is interested in what.
Here's a random list of stats:
* Jupiter Media Metrix: 44% of women with children said their usage of the Internet caused them to spend less time watching TV.
* 29% of mothers surveyed in the US said they used the Net to play games online.
* 29% of mothers surveyed in the US said they used the Internet to download music.
* 40% of mothers surveyed in the US used the Internet to research for school and homework-related projects.
* 41% of mothers surveyed would buy things online that they wouldn't have bought otherwise.
* Women without children are heavier users of the Internet, and they also tend to use it differently. They make travel arrangements, do research for work, bank and read the news online.
* Women without children are also bigger spenders online. Around 63% of them spent over US$100 online over the past three months, compared to 52% of women with children.
* NetSmart Research: Women will make up 60% of the online population by 2005.
* CommerceNet: Women consumers online have passed the 10 million mark.
* Women's Consumer Network: Women make 75% of their families' financial decisions.
* Online banking services are predominantly used by women.
* Forrester Research: 46% of women are decision-makers for technology purposes.
* Pew Research Center: 41% of women go online daily.
Many of my personal customers are women. Many of my personal customers are in business for themselves - online, off-line and both.
And remember, even people who do all their business off-line still use the Internet, and they have the same safety concerns as the rest of us.
So, here's your REAL market for an information product like The Hacker's Nightmare...
Old - young - male - female - boss - employee - blue collar - white collar - restauranteur - grave digger - computer novice - nerd - guru - etc. - etc.
Security is special topic and a rare opportunity.
It's like food, air and water - everybody needs it.
Identity theft as a result of Internet insecurity is a MAJOR concern to literally millions of people.
There is no such thing as an inappropriate list when it comes to providing information that is highly relevant to EVERYONE.
So are YOU being "all you can be" to your list members?
* Try to view the interests of your customers and subscribers in a new light.
* Remember that nobody has only one interest, or only one area of concern in their lives.
* A story, and particularly a personal story, is one of the most powerful and effective marketing tools of all. How is it that you still remember stories you haven't heard for 10, 20, even 50 or more years? With time facts and figures become meaningless, but events told as stories mean something, and stay with us.
* Whatever your area of expertise, whatever your main products and services happened to be, try selling your prospects with a story. You don't have to be a Stephen King or a Jack Kerouac—just tell it like it is. Make it interesting and it will be worth a fortune to you as an affiliate marketer.
* And if you're concerned enough about your customers to offer them some "different" advice that everyone needs, consider becoming an affiliate for The Hacker's Nightmare™. It's the best product of its type available anywhere at any price, and provides a win-win situation for both you and your list members.

Ready Made Joomla Templates


Written on 5:03 AM by Unknown

Creating a website (a professional one), can become a tedious job and demands lots of hard work. Either you can hire a freelancer, or learn some html/css and start coding yourself. Most people prefer the freelancer way. Nowadays, the trend has shifted onto 'CMS' or a Content Management System, which enables you to easily create your site and easily manage all aspects of it. Moreover, the CMSes are quite flexible and have lots of extensions to support them. Joomla, is one of the most widely used CMS in the world today. Not only is it really easy to use and develop, but, it has a backup of hundreds of developers who constantly work on the betterment and development of Joomla.

All those who have already used Joomla will testify that although it requires a lot of hard work to understand and appreciate this CMS. But, after a while you get used to it and can easily develop websites. Being a part-time freelancer myself, I know that the demand for Joomla has increased multi-fold in the past few months. Clients pay about $30 just for installing joomla and setting up the components, which hardly takes two hours. The main confusion and problem lies with the clients as they don't understand the CMS in one go. They need some tutoring beforehand to understand and appreciate the CMS. Moreover, freelancers also face a problem that they need to setup and install components again-and-again for their clients and need to be updated with the latest releases so that they can visit the corresponding developer's website and download the extension.

What is required is a simple solution for clients and webmasters alike, so that they get tutorials, extensions, templates and all required things at one place. Moreover, they need easily installable fully developed websites in which, all they need to do is : Upload and Install! And you get a fully developed website out-of-the-box.

Ritoban Chakrabarti is the Lead Developer and Founder of Ready Made Joomla offers pre-made Joomla websites, Joomla Video Tutorials, Joomla extensions & Templates, and lots more.

Instant Domain Cash


Written on 4:51 AM by Unknown

If you have ever wanted to start an online business but were unable to come up with the thousands of dollars in start-up costs, you will love what I am about to share with you.

As someone who started working online a few years ago now, I had tried everything under the sun in order to be given the chance to quit my day job and pursue my dream of working from home. From work at home jobs, to business investment opportunities (and even dabbling in the forex marketplace), I spread myself and my money around, hoping that I would stumble across something.. anything, that would work for me.

To be completely honest - I failed miserably..

The business investments went belly up as I was not experienced to understand the dynamics of running a business online and after forking over my hard earned money, time and time again, I decided that it was just too risky, too expensive and too confusing.

But then one day, someone opened my eyes to a whole new way of generating income online that cost me nothing more than $8.00 ($7.95 to be exact).

Enter the world of domain flipping..

If you are unfamiliar with what domain flipping is all about, let me explain it real quickly for you. The idea behind domain flipping is to purchase low cost domains and then sell them at a higher price. It's that simple.

As I began to explore the industry I realized that generating a steady income from buying and selling domains was easier than ANYTHING else I had ever tried..

For Example:
Low Cost Start Up

You can get started for less than ten bucks. How many other online businesses can offer you such a cheap start up cost? This completely eliminates ANY risk of losing your shirt and best of all, you can figure out whether domaining is something you are interested in and can profit from in just a matter of days..

No Difficult Learning Curve

This was an important one for me. After spending weeks studying dozens of methods in the past, to which I believed would generate results I always ended up right back at square one. Not only had I spent hours and hours for nothing, but I was constantly distracting myself which caused me to lose out on many real

To be quite honest, there was little else that was ever this easy to learn, and affordable to to get involved in.. I figured, what did I really have to lose?

It Was The Best $7.95 I Ever Spent..

Up until the time I got involved in domain flipping I estimated that I had spent over $18,000.00 online from 2002 until 2008. I had purchased websites on eBay that didn't pan out, hired coders to create scripts that I couldn't sell, and even purchased turnkey businesses for $1,600 a pop that were heavily saturated and worthless..

Yet on one sunny day in September, I turned $7.95 into $275.00 in less than 18 minutes..

I was blown away.. Imagine, having spent years trying to figure out how to make money online and in less than 18 minutes I managed to take a measly $7.95 investment and turn it into $275.00.. I couldn't believe it.. I sat there dumfounded, and after the initial shock wore off I actually was quite upset.

Why the heck did it take me so many years to figure out how to make money AND worse.. this was so much easier, cheaper and faster than any of the expensive, complicated and confusing methods I had tried in the past!

I was both angry and excited.. I knew I was onto something and so I began to slowly purchase domain names, flipping them on a daily basis. In my spare time, I purchased a few guides on profitable domain flipping so I could increase my knowledge and beef up the amount I was earning from each domain. I also spent months analyzing the 'top dogs', these are the guys that can take a $10 domain name and flip it into a $1,000.00 sale in a matter of a few days.. Investigating their methods, dissecting their auctions and snooping around wherever I could manage to get into ended up boosting up my own efforts in a matter of weeks.

This Is One Of Hottest Industry's Online With NO End In Sight..

Powerfully Effective Domain Flipping Tactics Revealled! - Click Here

Spyware Cease 2.2


Written on 4:39 AM by Unknown

Spyware Cease 2.2 Released (NEW)

October 21, 2008: Leading system security software vendor, Cheese software Ltd. today announced the newly release of Spyware Cease2.2, an award-winning anti-spyware tool, designed specifically for the Windows operation system: Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista. Providing real-time guard and comprehensive system scanning toolkits, Spyware Cease 2.2 is built to be more effectively than ever before on detecting and removing Windows specific threats to ensure the safety of your operation system. This newly update coincides with the professional after-sale service by adding the Submit toolkit to further content users’ demands.

Nowadays, there is a tendency that spyware threats become socially engineered attacks with the core purpose to post fake system errors while treating users into an action to purchase the spyware program itself, for example, XP Anti-spyware 2009. Meanwhile, those applications always come up with bundle of Trojans, malware, and virus.

Based on the increasing need for customers to seek for reliable PC protection, Cheese Software’s spyware research team has built up a wide-range signature database and identified large number of malicious attacks specifically targeting Window operating system. Spyware Cease 2.2 detects and removes spyware, key-logger, Trojans, and in practically socially engineered threats that misleading Windows popup error message.

What’s more, with the added submit function, users are allowed to submit any unsolved problems, suspected Trajans or system analysis report to Spyware Cease support team with ease.
Cheese Software promises that Spyware Cease will continue to evolve and offer more effective functions to scan and remove infections and threats.

xbox 360 repair guide


Written on 4:04 AM by Unknown

Xbox 360 3 Red Lights - How Does This Repair Get Rid Of Them?

If you have the Xbox 360 3 Red Lights flashing away on your console then it means that you have a "general hardware failure", this means that the system can not pinpoint what actual part has failed but your Xbox can no longer continue to work!

The Xbox 360 3 Red Lights happen because the 2 main chips that deal with all the processing of games and grpahics burn out. These chips are called the GPU and the CPU, before they burn out completely you may also experience game freezes. This means that the Xbox 360 3 Red Lights are on the way.

You can also get other errors that are all related to the same thing, like the 1 red light error, 2 red lights flashing or even your DVD derive that is just refusing to play games!

What this Xbox 360 Repair guide will show you how to do is stop the 2 chips that cause the problem from taking to much heat and thus solving the problem. You can carry out the repair work from your own home and you do not need any special equipment either.

This Xbox 360 Repair guide has been getting rid of the Xbox 360 3 Red Lights for well over a year and a half and has thousands of happy customers!

So if you have any of the above problems click the link below and download the full Xbox 360 3 Red Lights Repair guide and get back to your games today:

Get Rid Of The Three Lights Today!

- Easy To Follow!

- It's Quick

- You Can Win A Free Xbox 360 Game

- Don't bother packing up your system and shipping it.

Click Here To Download The Xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix Now

Video Web Wizard


Written on 3:42 AM by Unknown

Have you ever wondered how you can put VIDEO on your website?

In the past, there just haven't been any good solutions.

Videos were slow, required bulky software to view, and
were hard to put on websites.

But now there is technology that makes putting videos
on your website easy. Better yet, these videos can be
viewed without trouble by virtually all your visitors.

It's called VideoWebWizard 2.0...

VideoWebWizard 2.0 is a software program that allows you
to put video on your website in a manner of minutes.

It's shockingly easy-to-use. The software guides you
through the entire process of converting video(s) to
web format.

But it's also powerful software as well. It has tons
of neat features like...

1) Multiple Video Conversion - Convert multiple videos
all at once

2) 14 Video Players - Choose from 14 different professional
video player styles

3) 13 Video Skins - Spice up your video with any of the
13 video skins included

4) Brand Your Video - Overlay a business logo, copyright
notice, or other image on top of your video

5) 10 Web Page Templates - Choose from 10 web page
templates to put your video on

6) Redirect To URL - Have your viewers automatically
redirected to any link (for example, an order page or
affiliate link) immediately after your video ends

7) Put Video On An Existing Page - Place any output
video on a web page you already have set up

Download your copy of VideoWebWizard 2.0 right now!

Advanced PC Tweaker


Written on 3:37 AM by Unknown

Advanced PC Tweaker offers the results-oriented solutions for Windows users who can tweak the PC system to the optimal performance with the built-in powerful components, allowing you repair problems, clean up drive space, manage backups, optimize system and other advanced toolkits like eliminating privacy tracks, administering startup applications, uninstalling unwanted applications and permanently erasing files. If you have been frustrated with hassles of solving the massive problems on your PC, then take it for a spin...Registry Repair
Advanced PC Tweaker can thoroughly scan and effectively fix the Registry problems on your PC system, ensuring a better and more reliable performance through reparing a variety of 17 categories;

Fact: The Windows Registry is a database repository of information about a computer's configuration. Installing and uninstalling software will make your Registry a mess, leading to decreased PC performance and causing the blue screen, computer crashes and freezing.

The Registry size keeps growing when you use Windows. When the registry becomes very large, your computer's performance will be decayed and unstable. Some computer users even spend a lot of time trying to go through the registry and edit it manually. Not only can this be a daunting task, it is also a risky one.
The built-in Registry Repair utility is a complete Registry Cleaner and system optimization package that helps thoroughly scan, repair and compact the invalid or missing Registry entries on your PC, which could cause system slowdown, freezing or crashing.
Error Utility
Errors Utility includes a set of defined solutions to the commonly known problems found on your PC system, such as unable to update Windows online and pop-up error messages, protecting your Windows system from crashing, freezing and blue screen problem.

Internet Explorer Repair
IE Repair includes BHO (Internet Browser Helper Objects) Manager and IE Restore to ensure a better and healthier internet experience by blocking malicious plugins and restore Internet Explorer to the original states respectively.

Block ActiveX and Register ActiveX
The Block ActiveX utility can be used to manage ActiveX controls installed on your PC system by blocking malicious controls. This utility provides a simple, slick user interface that enables you to easily view registered controls(objects) and manage misbehaving controls(objects).
The Register ActiveX utility re-registers ActiveX and .dll objects' registry keys to solve the curious problems on your system such as: unable to open new IE windows, website displaying incomplete, unable to auto update Windows, unable to select films model to watch picture, random error with Media player, and so on.

Junk File Cleaner and Duplicate Cleaner
Junk File Cleaner scans and cleans up the junk files from your system to provide more free space on your hard drives and allow applications to run faster and more efficiently.The Junk File Cleaner cleans lots of well known junks, but it also allow cleanning customization.
Duplicate Cleaner scans and cleans the duplicate files with same name on your local computer, which as its name suggests are files that could also have the same size, the same time. Your system may have many duplicate files that use your precious disk space. These duplicate files not only occupy your disk space but also make your system's file access rate slow. Duplicate references are the major cause of human and program error.

Registry Backup and Restore Point
Advanced PC Tweaker allows you to completely manage the backup files, including backup for registry files and system backup; When using the Registry cleaner, Advanced PC Tweaker will automatically backup your registry files prior to any registry repairing and let you control the files within the Registry Backup utility; you can also back up the whole system settings with the built-in Restore Point utility which can be used to create and name your own restore points at any given time.

System Optimizer and Tweak Memory
Advanced PC Tweaker empowers the user to customize their system settings through various optimization models and effectively tweak the memory of the PC system. System Optimizer utility can automatically optimize the model of your selection to the optimal speed by disabling some unnecessary applications or services under certain environment; Tweak Memory tweaks the memory of your PC system, recovers the memory and makes your PC run faster without causing instability of your system.

Evidence Cleaner, Startup Manager, Uninstall Manager, File Shredder
Advanced PC Tweaker provides more flexibility for you to maximumize PC productivity and brings you more joyful moments by facilitating a great set of advanced toolkits, such as Evidence Cleaner to completely remove all traces of your Internet activity and protect sensitive information while improving your computer's performance, Startup Manager to administer which applications are launched at the system startup, Uninstall Manager to manage and completely remove the programs and leftover files installed on your system without going through the Control Panel and File Shredder to permanently remove the specific files from your drives.

1-Click Maintenance
Advanced PC Tweaker 1-Click Tweak is a maintenance package that can give our users a quick overview on the system performance, such as correct the major registry problems and free up disk space.

Service is also a Great Feature
Though Advanced PC Tweaker are facilitated with a lot of functions you have ever seen, it is not the ultimate tool to tackle all the problems since the PC system is so comprehensive that a single problem could be caused by a lot of factors. Advanced PC Tweaker will be the better solution for system maintenance and diagnosis than any other software vendors in the industry by providing both the powerful toolkits and on-demand services. That is, when you are using Advanced PC Tweaker, you are not only having the handy toolkits but also the great services by our professionals.

Learn Photoshop In Just 2 Hours


Written on 3:20 AM by Unknown

If you're new to Photoshop and looking for the easiest way to really get to grips with this exciting software (which can often be very frustrating and overwhelming for newbies)... then I strongly recommend you take a look at Photoshop expert David Peter's fantastic video tutorials.

There's just 2 hours worth of instantly accessible online video tutorials, which are designed to get the newbie user as competent as possible as fast as possible.

David claims anyone can master the basics of Adobe Photoshop in just a couple of hours if they follow his video tutorials. And I agree (and when you check out the website you'll see feedback from a LOT of people who have tried them are are delighted with the results).

What I like most about his video learning system is the fact that you never need to look at a boring manual again. It's the next best thing to having a personal coach!

Butterfly Download Network


Written on 3:13 AM by Unknown

Registry Easy


Written on 2:46 AM by Unknown

Registry Easy
the Ultimate Registry Cleaner and System Optimize Suite

Award-winning complete registry repair and system optimize suite, which can be used to repair, compact your PC's Registry files and optimize your Windows settings to the optimal speed you ever have.Registry Easy uses a high-performance detection algorithm that will quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. With a few easy steps Registry Easy will scan your entire Windows registry for any invalid or obsolete entries and provide a list of the registry errors found. After that you can choose to clean list items with selection or automatically repair them all.For your convenience and protection, Registry Easy also provides a backup mechanism for any repaired files so that you can easily recover any changes if required.

History records cleaner One simple click can make your history records completely clean. Protect your privacy!

Optimize Your Registry One click will optimize your computer's start/shutdown/network/IE/Menu's display, and speed up the system.

Deeply Scan the Entire Windows System Registry Easy will scan your system registry and hard drives for invalid system references. The free full scan will identify errors.

Safely Repair Problems After scanning, Registry Easy?will repair all these invalid references that cause system instability, PC errors, constant crashes, general system slowdowns and other PC problems.

Auto Scan By default, Registry Easy scans the registry for all types of errors. This is the simplest way to clean up the registry. Automatic Scan is recommended for 'non-technical' users.

Custom Scan You can customize your Windows registry scanning by selecting types of errors (shared DLLs, missing fonts, invalid startup entries, etc.).

Manual Cleanup After the scan completes, Registry Easy will show a full list of errors with details which were divided by types, and let you fix individual invalid entries or all invalid entries of a certain type.

Backup and Undo Before scanning your registry for errors, Registry Easy?gives you the option to create a backup file(s) that can be used to undo the changes.

Auto and Manual Update By default, Registry Easy will automatically check up and update to the newest version as it starts up, or you can choose to check manually in the "Options" section.

Startup Program Manager Control all of your start up options from this easy to control utility.

Junk Files Cleaner Control all of your programs from this easy to control utility.

IE Restore Restore Internet Explorer defaults.

Browser HOM Manager This feature allows you to manage all of your Internet Explorer objects.

* High-performance scan
* Junk Files Cleaner
* Duplicate File Cleaner
* Evidence Cleaner
* System Optimizer
* Browser HOM Manager
* Automatic/manual removal
* Back-up registry
* Checks Invalid User Software Settings
* Checks Invalid System Software Settings
* Checks Invalid Application Paths
* Checks Recently Used Files
* Checks Invalid Class Keys
* Checks Invalid ActiveX, OLE, COM
* Checks Uninstall Sections
* Checks Invalid Shared known DLL's
* Checks Invalid Startup Programs
* Checks Invalid Shortcuts
* Checks Invalid File Associations
* Deletes Empty Registry Keys
* Organizes Windows Startup Items
* Automatically Updated during the Subscribed Period

Satellite TV for PC


Written on 2:30 AM by Unknown

Click here to get FREE Satellite TV on your PC!